The Enduring Success of “Friends”

“Friends,” the beloved sitcom, aired from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, spanning ten seasons and 236 episodes. The show, centered around six close-knit friends in New York City, became a cultural icon, known for its humor, relatable characters, and memorable moments.

A ratings juggernaut, “Friends” consistently ranked among the top ten most-watched TV shows during its run. The series finale attracted 52.5 million viewers, making it one of the most-watched episodes in TV history. Its success continues today, with “Friends” remaining popular through reruns and streaming, captivating new audiences worldwide.

Watch the ending scene of “Friends” below:

The final scene of “Friends” perfectly encapsulates the bittersweet end of an era. As the six friends leave Monica’s apartment for the last time


By AdminNN

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