Instead of the massive jackpot, she had actually won a mere $2.25 – and was offered a complimentary steak dinner.

A spokesperson for Resorts World, Dan Bank, told CNN: “Upon being notified of the situation, casino personnel were able to determine that the figure displayed on the penny slot was the result of an obvious malfunction – a fact later confirmed by the New York State Gaming Commission.

“After explaining the circumstances to Ms Bookman, we offered to pay her the correct amount that was shown on the printed ticket.

“Machine malfunctions are rare, and we would like to extend our apologies to Ms Bookman for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

A year after Bookman believed she’d snatched the jackpot, her lawyer filed a lawsuit and described the casino’s claims as ‘ridiculous’.


“You can’t claim a machine is broken because you want it to be broken. Does that mean it wasn’t inspected? Does it mean it wasn’t maintained?” her lawyer told CNN at the time.

“And if so, does that mean that people that played there before had zero chance of winning?”

Eventually, the case was resolved through an out-of-court settlement.

Upon realising that she would only be taking home a few dollars, Bookman, who had grown up in foster care and single-handedly raised four children, expressed: “All I could think about was my family.”