Paul Harvey, the renowned news commentator and talk-radio pioneer, was known for his unique delivery and thought-provoking insights, making him one of the most recognizable voices in the United States. At the height of his career, Harvey’s radio broadcasts reached over 24 million listeners, and his distinctive staccato style became his trademark.
In one of his most famous speeches, which aired on April 3, 1965, Harvey presented a chilling vision of what he imagined the world would look like if it were under the influence of evil. In his commentary, titled “If I Were the Devil,” he predicted societal issues that would come to the forefront decades later, with an eerie accuracy that resonates even today.
Harvey’s words may have seemed like a far-off possibility at the time, but in retrospect, they are strikingly relevant to the world we see around us today. His insightful portrayal of a world in which darkness and corruption prevail serves as a powerful reminder of how individuals and societies can drift away from their core values. Here’s a closer look at the powerful speech Harvey delivered in 1965:
“If I Were the Devil” – Paul Harvey’s Prophetic Words
“If I were the Prince of Darkness, I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be satisfied until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree. So I should set about, however necessary, to take over the United States.”
Harvey begins his “prophesy” by suggesting that if he were the embodiment of evil, his ultimate goal would be to take control of the United States. He envisioned a slow, insidious approach to corruption, starting with subtle manipulation and whispers to the people.
The Whisper Campaign
“I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, ‘Do as you please.’ To the young, I would whisper, ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that ‘man created God,’ instead of the other way around. I would confide that ‘what is bad is good, and what is good is square.’”
In Harvey’s vision, the spread of evil begins with whispering lies, distorting truth, and eroding fundamental beliefs. He foresaw an attack on religion, morality, and established truths, with younger generations being misled into questioning the very foundation of their faith and values.
Influence on Families and Society
Harvey continues by addressing different segments of society, noting that no group would be spared from this campaign of moral decay. He spoke about the breakdown of family values, the erosion of personal responsibility, and the influence of negative ideologies.
“In the ears of the young married, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be ‘extreme’ in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.”
He also addressed the older generation, encouraging them to rely on government rather than God, symbolized in his twist on the Lord’s Prayer: “Our father which are in Washington.” This marks a shift in priorities, where government and secular institutions begin to replace traditional sources of authority, like religion and family.
A Subversive Cultural Shift
Harvey’s next vision involves the manipulation of culture and institutions. He imagined the influence of evil spreading through literature, media, and education, creating an environment where moral decay becomes normalized.
“I would get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa.”
He saw the decline of moral values through the content people consumed, with entertainment becoming a tool for perpetuating darkness and moral corruption.
The Destruction of Religious and Social Values
Harvey’s most striking predictions concern the systematic removal of religion from all facets of society. He imagined a world where religion was replaced by psychology, where the courts favored secularism, and where traditional holidays were stripped of their spiritual meaning.
“If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.”
He further foresaw the decline of work ethics and personal ambition, replacing them with a system that rewards laziness and entitlement, thus creating a dependent and controlled population.
A Police State and the Breakdown of Society
Finally, Harvey painted a picture of a society where individuality and family units were destroyed, replaced by a government-controlled system. Children would be separated from their parents, and citizens would be forced into labor camps and conformity.
“If I were Satan, I’d just keep doing what I’m doing and the whole world would go to hell as sure as the Devil.”
A Prophecy Fulfilled?
While Harvey’s speech was made decades ago, his foresight into the moral and cultural shifts we are witnessing today is unsettling. From the rise of secularism, the questioning of religious authority, the breakdown of family structures, to the normalization of questionable media content—many of the issues Harvey warned about are now at the forefront of society’s struggles.
Listening to Paul Harvey’s words, it’s clear that the cultural challenges he predicted have found their way into reality, and they serve as a powerful reminder of the need to stay grounded in timeless values as we navigate the complexities of the modern world. His speech continues to resonate, urging us to reflect on where we are heading and whether we are staying true to the principles that have long guided our society.