Mom becomes frustrated and caught behind a slow-moving automobile. Everything changes when she notices a letter in the rear window.

It’s not simple to be a wonderful wife, a great mother, and to manage a successful household while still making a positive contribution to society.

When you combine that with having several kids, it’s uncommon to find serenity and quiet in the same phrase to describe day-to-day existence.

Hailey is one lady who is all too familiar with this. She sees a new puzzle every day, and even the slightest challenges can have far-reaching effects.


Hailey was once delayed behind an extremely slow-moving automobile on her way to work. She had to exercise extreme self control to avoid losing her cool while driving.

Hailey was rushing, after all, and didn’t have time to wait around for a car that was traveling slower than the posted speed limit.

This photo, which I shared earlier this week on my personal page, made me stop and ponder.A image is only a little square.

Hailey didn’t notice the letter in the rear window until she was caught behind the aforementioned automobile at a red light.

She was compelled to write about her experience on her blog, Thoughts, Dots, and Tots, after reading the words. Hailey claims that it altered the way she perceived the world.

She wrote this: “I was following this automobile as I pulled into work. “Learning stick sorry for any delay,” reads the placard on the back window.

With this knowledge in hand, I was quite patient with their delayed shifting, and to be honest, they were doing fairly well considering they were still learning.

Then I posed a challenging question to myself: If the sign hadn’t been there, would I have been equally patient? I’m quite sure I can say no.

“We have no idea what another person is experiencing. We don’t display indicators that reflect our inner troubles. You don’t see signs like “Going through a divorce,” “Lost a child,” “Feeling depressed,” or “Diagnosed with cancer” affixed to people’s clothes.

We would undoubtedly be kinder if we could see what those around us are going through.

However, we need to be able to show generosity to strangers without needing to read any signs. Whether or not we are aware of what is happening, we should nevertheless proceed. Regardless of whether they merit it.

“Let’s sprinkle extra love, kindness, and patience on everyone.”

Hailey was obviously very affected by the handwritten letter that was put in the window. She might have easily continued to be irritated and agitated while driving, but instead she inhaled deeply and made the decision to be tolerant.

I was following this automobile as I pulled into work. The rear window has a notice that reads, “Learning stick apologies for any…

I think it would be a good idea for all of us to try thinking a bit more like Hailey.

How often have we been irritated by someone being late for a meeting, the bus not being on time, or someone being impolite or brief when speaking to you?

And for what purpose? Never stop being angry; nobody gains from it. Instead, why not show them warmth and compassion?

The harmony will make you and others around you feel better. If only we could stop letting life worry us out and take a moment to remember Hailey’s lesson.

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